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domingo, 1 de maio de 2011

Facilitating Knowledge Required - Project Management

Hello EveryBody,

Today I am posting an idea I had in class project management, when the teacher started talking about the life cycle of a project and the chapters of the PMBOK, as well as several emerging ideas about what to do on a day-to-day work also stop to think about my life easier, not decorate, but to really learn and follow. It was in one part he spoke in Scope, Time, Human Resources, Quality, Integration, Communication, Costs, Risk and Procurement.

So, in thought, I have to invent something not to forget it, and did the idea that I already shared my twitter and I will now share here on the blog.

All (Scope), demand hours (time) with people (HR) is a good product (quality) where everyone joins the team (integration) to talk (communication) on prices (costs) and unanticipated (Risk) to buy (Acquisition !)

I hope I helped you with my idea, until next time!

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