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quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015

Tetris game: A hint of gamification?

They know that Tetris is a game, then by definition of gamification is far from being related to that matter, is it?
  The answer is yes because they know that according to Silvio Alves Júnior (2014) gamification is a process that uses elements, mechanical and dynamic games for engaging and driving behavior of players within the context of games, and when he analyzes the game tetris, that´s a game.

But studies say that games are good for health, as the matter published on the CNN website published by Barthelemy (2009), explains five races that the video game is good for health which are:

1. View
2. Brain
3. Balance
4. Good shape
5. Motor Coordination

There's even a game called "Dig Rush" that aids in the treatment of amblyopia, better known as "tired eye" or "lazy eye". But that is a type of serious game where it is, according Clack C. Abt, Abt (1987, p 11), is to combine the analytical concentration and questioning the scientific point of view with the intuitive freedom and rewards imaginative acts artistic. That is, games that help perform some real-world task with the simulation game.

  And Tetris is not far because studies show that this game can increase the efficiency of the brain, which was conducted by researchers from Albuquerque in the United States (US). What can make it a serious games.

What else can convince?

  Remember that this game was created in June 1984 seconds Wikipedia (2015), by Alexey Pajitnov, Dmitry Pavlovsky and Vadim Gerasimov. And coincidentally this "serious games" there are elements as:

Figura 1: Tela do jogo Tetris
Fonte:ORLAND, Kyle. Not a joke: A Tetris movie is being made. 2014. Disponível em: <http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/09/not-a-joke-a-tetris-movie-is-being-made/>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2014.

 It can be seen that the points reflects its ability and evolution in the level, the difficulty will make the game as in Figure 1. The level is over the progression of the user due to the acquisition of the points, the more points the level will rise.
  When you lose the game there is a leaderboard in which appears the positions according to the score and who does not remember the fruit that appeared when you reached a certain level, which would be the badges.
  Therefore tetris games can be considered serious when it has the function of aiding brain stimulation, but by itself is a match but others enter the function of the game context.


SANTOS JÚNIOR, Sílvio Alves dos. Gamificação: introdução e conceitos básicos: O futuro é um jogo, aperte start agora ou é game over. [s. L.]: Gamificando.com.br, 2014. 15 p. Disponível em: <http://gamificando.com.br/2014/11/25/livro-gamificacao-introducao-e-conceitos-basicos-2/>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2015.

BARTHELEMY, Claire. Are video games good for your health? 2009. Disponível em: <http://edition.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/10/27/gaming.health.senses/index.html>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2015.

ABT, Clark C.. Serious Games. [s. L.]: University Press Of America, 1987. 176 p.

WIKIPEDIA. Tetris. Disponível em: <http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2015.

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