That's exactly what the post title to say, crazy yesterday looking for a handout when I came across these links written in reverseand then went looking for some logic to not have the headache of typing the same link in the right position , believe and know what you think, sucks. And nothing better than to use our acquired skills in all of our school careers and apply our knowledge.OriginalLink created the result that makes the task of breakingthe head to give the link as we are accustomed to seeing.Basically you type in the link that anger is upside down and pressOK, done so the program will link some of you will open andautomatically link to you, is not legal?
Do not be startled by the size of the program is only 2 Kb,kkkkkkkkkkk is very heavy. The program is very simple, literally.And just in case they are used, for example, moc.etis.www / /:ptth, ok!
You can safely download this link at 4shared.
Any suggestion send me an email and feedback
See ya!